Ethereum: How can I run an Electrum console command outside of Electrum (on Linux)?

Running Electrum Console Commands Outside Electrum on Linux

Electrum is a popular Python library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain. If you have an Electrum console command set up outside of Electrum, you can use it from your Python application to get wallet balances and other information.


  • You need to install Electrum on your system.
  • You need to create a configuration file (e.g. config.json) to store your Electrum settings. This file should contain the following:

password: Your Electrum password

server_url: The URL of your Electrum console command (e.g.

-rpc_version: The RPC version you want to use (default is 4)

  • You need to set up the Electrum console command to run on your system.
  • You need to install thesubprocessmodule in Python, which allows you to create new processes and interact with their output.

Step by Step Instructions:

Step 1: Create a Configuration File

Create a file calledconfig.jsonin the same directory as your Electrum console command script ( This file should contain the following:



"server_url": "

"rpc_version": 4


Replace YOUR_ELECTRUM_PASSWORD'' with your Electrum password.

Step 2: Install thesubprocessmodule

In Python, you need to install thesubprocessmodule. Run the following command:

pip install subprocess

Step 3: Set the Electrum Console Command

To set the Electrum Console command, you can use a script or a separate Python process that starts your Electrum wallet and then exits. Here are two examples:

Example 1: Using a separate process

Create a new file called in the same directory as your Python application:


Ethereum: How can I run an Electrum console command from outside Electrum (in Linux)?

Configure Electrum settings



Start Electrum wallet and balance

getbalance=$(./ "$password" "$server_url")

echo "Wallet balance: $getbalance"

Create a new file called in the same directory:


Configure Electrum settings


Start Electrum wallet and balance

getbalance=$(./ "$password")

echo "Wallet balance: $getbalance"

Run to start the Electrum process, then run the Python application:


Example 2: Using a single process

Create a new file called with the following content:

import subprocess



Start Electrum wallet and balance[./", "$password", "$server_url"], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

getbalance = subprocess.check_output("getbalance".split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE).decode()

print("Wallet Balance:", getbalance)

Run to start the Electrum process and get the wallet balance:


Calling the getbalance() function

You can use the following Python code to call the getbalance() function from outside Electrum:

import subprocess



Get the balance using the getbalance function[./", "$password", "$server_url"], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

balance = subprocess.check_output("getbalance".split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE).decode()


Replace `YOUR_ELECTRUM_PASSWORD'' with your Electrum password.

Tips and Variations

  • You can edit theconfig.json` file to use different settings for the Electrum console command.

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