Ethereum: Binance get aggregated order book for larger tick size

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Ethereum: Binance receives a aggregated order book for a larger tick size

As the popularity of decentralized financial applications (DEFI) based in Ethereum, buyers and investors are looking for more efficient ways to perform their actions. One way to achieve this is access to books about corrections from a good reputation exchange, such as Binance.

In this article, we will examine how to access the aggregate in Binance with larger ticks using the API Binance interface and show how you can improve your commercial impressions.

why larger sizes of ticks

Larger tick sizes allow operators to perform operations at more frequent intervals, which can lead to more negotiations and profitability. However, access to larger ticks often requires additional infrastructure or API interface, which can take a lot of time and intensive resources.

binance API

To access the book added by Binance with the help of API Binance, you need to follow the following steps:

  • Create an API Binance account : If you don’t have an existing binance account, you think visitors [developer Binance] (

  • Register the token API Binance (BNB) : After creating an account, go to the [API of the Certificate] Section ( and generate API token.

  • These values ​​are used for authentication.

Access to the added book of the largest sizes

After obtaining API certificates, take the following steps to access the AGGregate book:


  • specify ‘kicksize’ as 0.01 (predetermined) : During consultation with the final point '/Order' you can specify the size of the tick by transmitting the value as a consultation parameter:? Kicksize = 0.01 .

  • ** Filter results withSymboland” side parameters `: use the parameter? The symbol "For filtering orders by the type of resource (for example," btcusdt) and parameter? .

Here are an example of the API request:


Download btcusdt? KickSize = 0.01


Sample answer

The answer will include a list of aggregated books for orders for each resource, including "LastfillPrice", "Lastqty" and "Fillquantity". API returns about 1000 orders per minute.



"Orders": [


"ID": "123456789",

"Symbol": "btcusdt",

"Side": "Buy",

"Time marker": "1643723400",

"Price": "40000.12"



"ID": "987654321",

"Symbol": "btcusdt",

"Side": "Sell",

"Time marker": "1643723500",

"Price": "41000.25"




` ”


By using the API Binance interface, you can access orders of added bonds with larger tick sizes, which allows you to perform operations at more frequent intervals and potentially increase the profitability of size and negotiations. This article shows steps related to access to Binance with larger ICT sizes using the API Binance interface.

However, it should be remembered that this approach requires technical experience and infrastructure, which may not be sufficient for all buyers or exchange. Before implementing this strategy, the applicable regulations, regulations or requirements should be examined and observed.

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